Module 19 - Pilot project unable to get session ID | Rest Assured Forum
Sandeep Gb Posted on 20/10/2019

Hi Abhinav ,


I have SetUp Tomacat & Xamp Successfully . Deployed the Application as mentioned in Video 19 but i am unable to get sesion id below error message is displayed






Sandeep Gb Replied on 26/10/2019

Hi Abhinav,


Please help me to resolve this issue , i am not able to proceed .Thanks


chandan kumar Replied on 23/11/2019

Hi Abhinav,


Even i am facing the same issue

Viji Medithi Replied on 26/11/2019

Hi Abhinav,

Even I am facing the same issue.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 30/11/2019

Please download the latest code and deploy retail application from that.

There are 2 applications in Module 8 and Module 16 which were not working since we had some config changes.
Applications are ready now.
Please dont use your id as login id now. Its no longer supported.
Please follow following instructions:

Module 8 Retail Application (SOAP Based)
Please use login id as 'user' and password as 'whizdom' for normal login.
For admin Login, please use login id as user_soapadmin and password as 'whizdom'

For Module 16 Retail Application(REST Based)
Please use login id as 'admin' and password as 'whizdom' for login.

Rest everything is same.

Sandeep Gb Replied on 04/12/2019

I Tried downloading and following the steps its not working .Can you please give detatiled steps ?

Sandeep Gb Replied on 04/12/2019

Downloaded code is still the old has it been updated ?,the timestamp still shows the  old .